Saturday 24 September 2016

Notepad++ v7

Notepad++ adalah sebuah penyunting teks dan penyunting kode sumber yang berjalan di sistem operasi Windows.

Notepad++ menggunakan komponen Scintilla untuk dapat menampilkan dan menyuntingan teks dan berkas kode sumber berbagai bahasa pemrograman.

Notepad++ didistribusikan sebagai perangkat lunak bebas. Proyek ini dilayani oleh dengan telah diunduh lebih dari 27 juta kali dan dua kali memenangkan penghargaan SourceForge Community Choice Award for Best Developer Tool.

Notepad++ v7 new features and bug-fixes:
  1. x64 build available.
  2. Fix the DLL Hijacking Vulnerability of previous versions (by updating NSIS to v3.0).
  3. Auto-updater improvement: periodical check can be disable via auto-update prompt dialog.
  4. Installer enhancement: Check if Notepad++ is running and ask the user to close it before continue.
  5. Enhancement: add conflict detection to Shortcut Mapper.
  6. Fix auto-completion on XML comment <!-- comment --> and <?xml> tag bug.
  7. Fix file saving crash which can be reproduced through a specific way to save file.
  8. Fix a crash issue while UDL's user keyword list is too long.
  9. Fix HDPI issues for some components (task list, margins and shortcut mapper).
  10. Add a new feature(optional) : Close the last document will quit Notepad++.
  11. Add more Change Case variants (Title Case, Sentence case, iVERT cASE, rANdOm caSe).
  12. Add Open file & open containing folder commands on selected file/folder name in text content.
  13. Add Search on Internet command on selected word(s) in text content.
  14. Add Scroll Tab Bar with mouse wheel capacity.
  15. Add commands for moving the current file tab Forward/Backward.
  16. Fix bug of monitoring not working for files under root.
  17. Ruby is supported by Function List.
  18. Added new option: Enable scrolling beyond last line.
  19. Add an option to restore old behaviour (open files in folder) while folder being dropped.
Notepad++ v7 (32-bit)
Notepad++ v7 (64-bit)  | Support to Windows 7/8/8.1/10


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